After worldwide popularity of WhatsApp, many small business converted their communication channel from paper to WhatsApp. If you are one of them this post will really be helpful to you. If you receive many WhatsApp images in a day and you have to transfer all those images to your Computer for further process then this article will teach you, how to automatize this task.


Yes you are reading it right, after learning this trick you will be able to transfer all WhatsApp images to your computer without even opening the message itself. Very helpful, Right? So keep reading…

After completing few steps listed below you will see a new file is added to your folder as soon as you get a new message, i.e it gets automatically synced with Dropbox.

Step 1: Open your Dropbox and create a new folder, as WhatsApp.

Step 2: Launch the DropSync app and authorize it to access your Dropbox account.

Step 3: Set the Dropbox folder as /storage/emulated/0/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Images.

Step 4: Set the sync method as “Upload only” so only WhatsApp images are sent to Dropbox but not the other way.

Step 5: Open app settings and change the Autosync Interval to less than 5 minutes.

Step 6: That’s it.

In this way, you will see the WhatsApp images in your Desktop just minutes after you receive them in WhatsApp.

Just to brief you out about the procedure, first, the images will be sent to your Dropbox account, then to your Dropbox software running on your desktop. Thus, you can access the WhatsApp images from desktop as well.

If you have any problem while performing this trick then feel free to ask in the comment section. We will be glad to help you.

Enjoy & Stay techie…