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How to Clear Clipboard On Mac Or Windows PC
We know that you don’t care about what is currently in your clipboard right at this moment, but your computer does and it keeps data in its memory till you overwrite with new data which consumes some part of the RAM.

How To Speed Up Your Internet Speed With
As you have might already read somewhere online that everybody is so excited about this new IP address It is also known as DNS (Domain Name System). This articles will help you to understand what it is and why it is beneficial for you to speed up your internet speed.

Add Any Background Image in Chrome Tab (No Extension)
Learn how to add background image to Chrome or change background of Chrome tab after recent updates without extensions.

What Is install.res.1028.dll And Its Solution
install.res.1028.dll is one of the files that gets created when Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable package gets installed in the operating system. The install.res.1028.dll can be found in the root directory of the storage drive. There are different packages like VCRedist_x86.exe, VCRedist_x64.exe, VCRedist_ia64.exe for Visual Studio 2008 that could create install.res.1028.dll.